The Ten Most Incredible Lightning Photographs

Source: Chris Kotsiopoulos This composite of 70 different shots shows a severe lighting storm as it passes over the Greek island of Ikaria. Source:Alan Highton Flickr A unique atmospheric phenomenon, the Catatumbo Lightning only occurs in one specific location: where the Catatumbo River empties into Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.

A Beautiful Lightning Display Over Ikaria

Ikaria Greece Lightning Photograph

Source: Chris Kotsiopoulos

This composite of 70 different shots shows a severe lighting storm as it passes over the Greek island of Ikaria.

The Lightning of Catatumbo, Venezuela

Lightning of Catatumbo Venezuela

Source:Alan Highton Flickr

A unique atmospheric phenomenon, the Catatumbo Lightning only occurs in one specific location: where the Catatumbo River empties into Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.

Cloud-to-Cloud Lightning

Incredible Lightning Strikes Cloud to Cloud Lightning

Source: Earth Science Picture of the Day

Often seen as a single flash, cloud-to-cloud lightning spreads multiple fingers across the sky as seen here above Gurnee, Illinois.

Eight Lightning Strikes At The Bay Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge Lightning Photograph

Source: Daily Mail

It was a rainy night in San Francisco when an amateur photographer caught eight lightning strikes as they hit the beautiful Bay Bridge in a twenty seconds window.

A Bolt Of Positive Lightning

Incredible Lightning Strikes Positive Lightning

Source: National Geographic

A rare and beautiful type of lightning, positive lightning can be significantly more powerful than the far more common negative lightning. Often known as ‘bolts from the blue’, positive lightning can appear several miles from the center of a thunderstorm, as can be seen in this photograph on the Bahamas coastline.

