Ten Utterly Insane Human Records

Think youve got a party trick worth boasting about? It probably couldnt compete with these absolutely crazy and insane human records: Indian citizen, Anthony Victor, holds the record of the most ear hair. Were not quite sure how proud one should be about this fact, but Victor has hair measuring up to 7.12 inches sprouting

From the longest ear hair in the world to the most rattlesnakes held in a human's mouth, these slightly insane human records will blow your mind.

Think you’ve got a party trick worth boasting about? It probably couldn’t compete with these absolutely crazy and insane human records:

Insane Human Records: Longest Ear Hair

Insane Human Records Longest Ear Hair Photograph

Indian citizen, Anthony Victor, holds the record of the most ear hair. We’re not quite sure how proud one should be about this fact, but Victor has hair measuring up to 7.12 inches sprouting from the center of his outer ears.


Human Records: Furthest Eyeball Popper

Eyeball Popping

Putting Mr. Martinez from Daria to shame, American Kim Goodman can pop her eyeballs a creepy 0.47 inches beyond her eye socket. The feat was measured in Turkey in 2007.

Human Records: Longest Maggot Bath

Though beyond our comprehension why anyone would want to set this record, a British woman, Christine Martin, sat in a bath with maggots for 1 hour and 30 minutes, on what we can only assume was a crazy day in 2002.

Insane Human Records: Most Stretchy Skin

Most Stretchy Skin Picture

Ten Utterly Insane Human Records

Garry Turner of Britain can stretch his skin up to 6.25 inches, less due to an amazing talent and more so a medical condition, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. The disorder of connective tissues affects the skins, ligaments and internal organs, allowing Turner to distend his skin to unnatural lengths.

Most Rattlesnakes Held In The Mouth

World Record For Most Rattlesnakes In Mouth

Jackie Bibby Rattlesnakes Pictures

Though not quite sure what possessed him to do it, Jackie Bibby, USA, holds the record for most, live, rattlesnakes held in his mouth. In 2001, he held eight, by their tail, for 12.5 seconds.

Insane Human Records: Longest Fingernails, Female

Gigantic Female Fingernails Picture

Human Records Longest Fingernails

68 year-old, Lee Redmond, USA, used to hold the record of the longest fingernails for a woman. She started growing them in 1979, and by the time of official measurement in 2008, they reached 28 ft 4.5 in length. Unfortunately, the three decade long effort was wasted in early 2009 when Lee lost her nails in a car accident.

Heaviest Weight Pulled With Eye Sockets

Utterly Insane Human Records Pulling Weight With Eyesockets

The Space Cowboy, aka Chayne Hultgren, holds the bizarre and painful record of pulling the heaviest weight with his eye sockets. In 2009, the Australian pulled 907 pounds (humans and cycle) on the ‘Lo Show Dei Record’ show in Italy.

Farthest Nasal Ejection Of Spaghetti

Kevin Cole, of New Mexico, USA, holds the record for blowing the longest spaghetti strand out of a nostril in a single blow. Cole started spraying Ramon noodles out of his nose, and then slowly progressed on to spaghetti. His crowning achievement was recorded in 1998, with his spaghetti strand measuring 7.5 inches.

Insane Human Records: Farthest Squirting Milk From The Eye

Eyeball Milk Squirting Picture

Ilker Yilmaz, a construction worker from Turkey, can squirt milk from his eyes up to 9 ft 2 in, which he disgustingly proved in a hotel in Istanbul in 2004.

The Contortionist Who Can Fit Through A Tennis Racquet

Utterly Insane Human Records Captain Frodo Contortionist

Captain Frodo, born in Norway and living in Australia, is known as the ‘Incredible Rubberman’ for his crazy contortionist ways. Born double jointed, Captain Frodo holds the record for being able to swallow the most swords, but his real trick is his ability to squeeze head and shoulders through the head of a tennis racquet.

If you enjoyed seeing these ten utterly insane records, be sure to check out All That Is Interesting’s posts the greatest mysteries in human history and mindblowing facts about the world

