How Penn Station Went From Architectural Wonder To The Worst Train Station In America

Like this gallery?Share it: Before New York City's Pennsylvania Station became the busiest transit hub in the country -- and one of the most reviled train stations in America -- it was a classic example of beautiful Beaux-Arts architecture and the fourth largest building in the world.

Its overcrowded tunnels make it difficult to imagine but the old Penn Station was America's most treasured train station. Now, New York wants to bring it back.

Crowds lining up for seats in Penn Station. Ralph Morse/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images One of the 22 freestanding eagles on the exterior of Penn Station being removed.Getty Images Passengers waiting for the train at old Penn Station. Marjory Collins/Library of Congress View of columns and coffered ceiling of Penn Station which were modeled off the ancient Roman Baths of Caracalla.FPG/Getty Images The architecture of Penn Station was the brainchild of Charles McKim, who took inspiration from the designs of great European landmarks, such as the Piazza San Pietro and the Bank of England building.Getty Images Couple in Penn Station sharing farewell kiss before the soldier ships off to war during WWII. The war was also a contributing factor to the station's drop in commuter traffic. Alfred Eisenstaedt/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images At its height in the early decades, the train station served 100 million passengers every year. In the end, it wasn't enough to save Penn Station from being demolished.Getty Images Inside the tall walls of Penn Station during its dismantling.Museum of the City of New York Part of the station's marble ceiling that hovered above commuters at 148 feet high during demolition.Museum of the City of New York The many eagle statues, which weighed 5,700 pounds each, were sculpted by artist Adolph Alexander Weinman. John Duprey/NY Daily News via Getty Images During the demolition, commuters were still able to wait for trains in a cordoned off center section of the main floor. Robert R McElroy/Getty Images Demolition of the old Pennsylvania Station began in October 1963.Getty Images The ticket counters in old Penn Station. H. Armstrong Roberts/ClassicStock/Getty Images After Penn Station's demolition, Madison Square Garden was built in its place.Getty Images It took three years before the demolition of the station was finally completed. Since then, Penn Station has been running as a strictly-underground train station.Robert R McElroy/Getty Images The original Penn Station stretched across eight acres of land in Manhattan and was considered an architectural treasure.Getty Images Night view of the old Penn Station. Getty Images The old Penn Station had a number of amenities for train riders, including an elegant restaurant. Museum of the City of New York Dog waits patiently for train ride with its owner.Marjory Collins/Library of Congress Passengers waiting underneath tent cover that has been placed after the station's roof was dismantled. Throughout the three year demolition, passengers were still able to access Penn Station.Museum of the City of New York People waiting at the station during a snowstorm in the city.Richard Gummere/New York Post Archives /(c) NYP Holdings, Inc. via Getty Image Interior of old station being torn apart.Getty Images Up to 200 protesters marched with placards outside Penn Station to save the building from demolition. Most of them were architects and designers.Walter Daran/Hulton Archive/Getty Images Details of old Penn Station's striking ceiling.Walker Evans/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images Traffic along Seventh Avenue when the old Penn Station still existed.Authenticated News/Getty Images Old Penn Station rubble. Despite all the construction, the station continued to serve train riders until it was completely torn down.Museum of the City of New York Train platforms in the old Penn Station were covered with roofs made of glass and wrought iron, which bathed the platforms in natural sunlight during the day.Detroit Publishing Company/Library of Congress Even though protesters failed to prevent the station's destruction, the loss of Penn Station sparked the preservation of historical building in America.Walter Daran/Hulton Archive/Getty Images Soldiers waiting to catch train.Marjory Collins/Library of Congress Steel structures of the old Penn Station are exposed as it gets torn down.Getty Images Crowds at Pennsylvania Station.Getty Images In its original plan, state officials had suggested there be a hotel built on top of Penn Station but the idea was scrapped by architects. Later, entertainment arena Madison Square Garden would be built in place of the dismantled station.Museum of the City of New York Woman waits for train ride with baby basket. By summer 1966, much of the station had been demolished except for the Seventh Avenue entrance.Museum of the City of New YorkColumns At Old Penn Station 33 Stunning Photos Of Old Penn Station, Once An Architectural Marvel Before It Was Demolished View Gallery

Before New York City's Pennsylvania Station became the busiest transit hub in the country -- and one of the most reviled train stations in America -- it was a classic example of beautiful Beaux-Arts architecture and the fourth largest building in the world.

Now, decades after it was demolished and rebuilt to be completely underground, New York's plans to restore the former architectural landmark are underway. Take a look at Penn Station's complicated past.

The Old Penn Station

Interior Of Old Penn Station

Getty ImagesThe interior inside Penn Station nearby the information booth.

Before it was reduced into the confusing underground labyrinth that it is now, Pennsylvania Station — simply referred to as Penn Station these days — was an architectural marvel. The old Penn Station was built in 1910 after it was commissioned by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company (PRC) as a means for commuters to get across the Hudson River without jumping on a ferry.

The project was supposed to be another impressive feat of engineering by the PRC which billed itself as "the standard railroad of the world" in the early turn of the 20th Century. During the construction of the original building, Penn Station stretched over eight acres of land in Manhattan, making it a prominent landmark in the city.

But more impressive was the design inside. The main waiting room of the old Penn Station was modeled off of the Roman Baths of Caracalla, and was the biggest indoor facility New York City had ever had.

The majestic structure featured a striking marble ceiling that hovered above commuters at 148 feet high, accentuating its classic Beaux-Arts design. The stately train station also featured pink granite, a grand staircase 40-feet wide, and a dignified colonnade outside with iron-and-glass roofs that hanged over the train platforms.

Lines At Old Penn Station

Ralph Morse/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty ImagesCrowds lining up for seats in Penn Station.

The magnificent architectural features of old Penn Station was the brainchild of Charles McKim, who came from a prolific firm known for its Gilded Age designs. Besides drawing inspiration from the Ancient Roman baths, McKim also sought his ideas from the grandeurs of European landmarks.

The colonnaded exterior of Penn Station, for example, was modeled off Gian Lorenzo Bernini's Piazza San Pietro and John Soane's Bank of England building.

Back then, Penn Station wasn't just a train station, it was considered a state-of-the-art transportation facility, too.

The main reason behind the station's construction was to provide a more efficient way for commuters across the river to get into Manhattan.

Penn Station Arcade

Geo. P. Hall & Son/The New York Historical Society/Getty ImagesAn arcade and drug store inside the station.

Because there was no other way to cross the Hudson without getting on a boat, passengers would have to go through the hassle of transiting off the trains which stopped at the edge of the Hudson river. They would need to board and disembark again at the port before taking the ferry across.

"They were met with total chaos at the busy port, which was unacceptable to the Pennsylvania Railroad, which was determined to get across the river," said historian Jill Jonnes during a panel about the station's history at the Museum of the City of New York.

To realize their ambitions to tunnel under the river, the PRC enlisted English engineer Charles Jacobs, who had already constructed other tunnels the city's East River, to spearhead the construction. After they succeeded, Penn Station became one of the greatest engineering feats of its time.

Demolishing A Landmark

Protesters Of Penn Station Demolition

Walter Daran/Hulton Archive/Getty ImagesProtesters marching with placards outside Penn Station with signs that read 'Don't Poison Penn' and 'Don't Amputate Renovate.'

Sadly, however, the novelty of Penn Station's grandeur wore off and reality set in. The train boom that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company had been banking on, which would have driven revenue from the stream of passengers commuting through the newly built station, did not come to fruition.

Though the old Penn Station served 100 million passengers yearly during its peak in 1945, more people were being drawn by the affordable air travel industry that began in the late 1950s. The Interstate Highway System also made it easier to commute on land without hopping on a train. These trends in traveling habits among the public had a drastic impact on the amount of train passengers commuting through Penn Station.

In the end, the PRC was unable to afford the upkeep of Penn Station's beautifully-designed structure and corridors, so they were keen to find a way to get it off their hands while making a little bit of money. The PRC knew they could make big money by selling the air rights above the station which ultimately led to the old Penn Station's demise.

In 1962, plans were revealed to demolish the terminal and build Madison Square Garden on top of it. The new design made the train station entirely underground, meaning there was no need for the stately architecture above it, leaving the PRC free to make a little bit of money off Madison Square Garden's construction.

Penn Station Demolition From Inside

Robert R McElroy/Getty ImagesCommuters were still able to go through the station during its three-year dismantling.

The decision drew between 150 and 200 picketers in front of Penn Station to protest the structure's demolition, collecting signatures for a petition against the station's leveling. Most of the protesters were from the Action Group for Better Architecture which was formed by a band of designers and architects after the Penn Station demolition plans were made public.

The New York Times even called the structure's intentional dismantling a "monumental act of vandalism." Regardless, the station's demolition began a year after the plans were first announced.

The intentional destruction of the old Penn Station left a bad taste among the city's architectures who believed that the train hub should have been saved as part of New York City's architectural heritage. But not all was lost.

Vintage Penn Station

Wikimedia CommonsBefore it was demolished in 1962, the old Penn Station was a majestic architectural landmark.

The protest against Penn Station's demolition, though relatively small, was enough to spark the architectural preservation movement in the U.S.

The Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) was formed largely due to the loss of the original Penn Station. The New York Landmarks Law was also passed three years following Penn Station's demolition. Indeed, that law helped save the Grand Central Terminal and more than 30,000 other buildings from similar fates.

Penn Station, Resurrected

Penn Station Today

FlickrNow, Penn Station serves 650,000 commuters daily.

Ironically, train ridership in and out of the city through Penn Station has grown tremendously since the fall of the old transit hub.

Once considered an unnecessarily expensive endeavor, Penn Station — the new station constructed completely underground — is now the busiest terminal in the country. Today, nearly 650,000 commuter rail and Amtrak riders commute through the station each day, making its modern maze design completely inadequate to herd passengers between corridors efficiently.

"Penn Station is un-New York. It is dark, it is constrained, it is ugly, it is dated architecture, it is a lost opportunity," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said of the newer Penn Station. "Frankly it is a miserable experience... It is a terrible impression" of New York, he continued.

Modern Penn Station

David Handschuh/NY Daily News Archive via Getty ImagesModern Penn Station is the busiest train station in the country, yet it is also one of the worst in terms of accommodating volume of commuters.

To rectify this, the state government has proposed to rebuild Penn Station — well, kind of.

As of September 2018, part of the historic James A. Farley Post Office, located right across from the old Penn Station to complement the station's old Beaux-Arts style structure, has been gutted and remodeled to make way for New York's new Moynihan Train Hall.

The billion-dollar project will have the new train hall connect with the current underground Penn Station, providing passengers with new entrance points to the station, more tracks, and a larger space for the commuter crowds.

New Penn Station Entrance

New York Governor's OfficeThe state is in the midst of an ambitious project to build new entry ways into the underground station to alleviate passenger congestion.

As part of this overhaul, construction will also be done along the city's 33rd Street to build a grand entrance into Penn Station. The station entrance will lead to a spacious sun-lit pedestrian plaza that stretches between Seventh to Eighth Avenues.

Governor Cuomo said that the new Penn Station entrance was part of a holistic effort to transform it into a "world-class" facility — not unlike the original structure that had been built over a century ago before it was leveled to dust. The entirety of the Moynihan Train Hall is expected to be completed in 2020.

Although the new Penn Station plans are not exactly Roman-esque architectural feats, they will certainly provide passengers with a better experience than they are subjected to now going through the historic train station.

Now that you've learned all about Penn Station's complicated history, get a glimpse of old New York before the skyscrapers in 39 vintage photos. Then, read about six other historical train stations from around the world.

