8 Movies So Grisly That People Thought They Were Snuff Films

Bull Lee FilmsActual crime scene tape was used at the same location when police mistook the set for a murder scene. When Police Chief J.R. Blyth entered the hotel room, he was met by the most gruesome murder scene he had ever seen in 35 years on the force. The room was covered, floor-to-ceiling, in

New Terminal Hotel

Police Tape In New Terminal Hotel

Bull Lee FilmsActual crime scene tape was used at the same location when police mistook the set for a murder scene.

When Police Chief J.R. Blyth entered the hotel room, he was met by the most gruesome murder scene he had ever seen in 35 years on the force. The room was covered, floor-to-ceiling, in blood and a human scalp lay on the bed.

The scene in question occurred at the George Washington Hotel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was Nov. 14, 2010, when local firefighters who were called to put out a blaze on the fourth floor noted their surroundings in room 405. Hotel owner Kyrk Pyros, meanwhile, knew the truth — and was delighted at the confusion.

Firefighters “were getting everybody out safely and alive,” he said. “No one got hurt in the fire. It was just accidental. Then, about an hour and a half into it … the coroner said they found a crime scene. He said there is a scalp, there is blood all over the walls, written in all kind of languages.”

New Terminal Hotel Movie

Bull Lee FilmsPolice found the hotel room covered in blood and a partial (fake) scalp.

“I had no idea what was going on,” recalled Blyth. “Blood on the floor, the mattress, the pillows, piece of a scalp with hair still attached in the center of the bed.”

Chief Blyth had arrived with 10 crime scene investigators in tow before Pyros realized what room precisely they had discovered. As it turned out, it was the room director BC Fourteen had recently used to film the Corey Haim horror vehicle New Terminal Hotel (2010) — and a room he left purposefully covered in blood.

“I smiled and [the coroner] looked at me and said, ‘I am not finding this funny,'” said Pyros. “I said well, that is where Terminal Hotel was shot; that is our scare room … We leave it there on purpose [because] we get haunted tourists. Supposedly, the hotel is haunted.”

Blyth was initially angry at having wasted law enforcement man-hours, but ultimately found the humor in the situation. Perhaps most captivating than a mistaken murder or snuff film scene is the fact that the George Washington Hotel does have a reputation as a paranormal site — with 12 people dying there since 1923.

