21 Black Friday Facts That Will Make You Want To Stay Home

As Thanksgiving approaches, so too does Black Friday, an annual reminder that as much as we like to give thanks, we absolutely love to consume goods. Whether you participate or not, the colossal shopping day has become firmly embedded within our cultural fabric. Here are some Black Friday facts you may find shocking:

These Black Friday facts will have you staying home.

As Thanksgiving approaches, so too does Black Friday, an annual reminder that as much as we like to give thanks, we absolutely love to consume goods. Whether you participate or not, the colossal shopping day has become firmly embedded within our cultural fabric. Here are some Black Friday facts you may find shocking:

Black Friday Facts From 2006 to the present, there have been 7 known Black Friday-related deaths and 98 Black Friday-related injuries.Flickr/Diariocritico de Venezuela Black Friday Facts A Long Island Walmart temp worker was trampled to death on Black Friday 2008. Paramedics who tried to help the man were also trampled.Wikimedia Commons/Powhusku Toys R Us Black Friday That same yaer, a Black Friday shooting at a Toys 'R' Us left two dead.Wikimedia Commons Shooting At Florida Walmart In 2012, two people were shot outside a Florida Walmart over a parking space.Wikipedia Pepper Spray At Walmart In 2011, a shopper at a California Walmart showered pepper spray at fellow Black Friday deal seekers, leaving dozens of people with irritated noses and throats. Wikipedia/Katrina L. Beeler Pepper Spray Incidents On Black Friday 41 cases of Black Friday pepper spray incidents have been reported since 2006.Wikipedia Shopping At Walmart On Black Friday The most dangerous place to shop on Black Friday is Walmart, in terms of the amount of Black Friday-related deaths and injuries that have taken place there.Flickr/Walmart Black Friday Facts In Japan In 2013, 137 million shoppers participated in Black Friday. That's a little more than the entire population of Japan.Wikimedia Commons/JoelinQueens Biggest Shopping Day In America Black Friday is not the biggest shopping day of the year. In general, it's the Saturday before Christmas.Flickr/The Pug Father Black Friday Facts Never Missed According to one poll, 21% of shoppers say they've never missed a Black Friday.Pixabay Stocks On Black Friday The phrase Black Friday was first used in the 19th century to describe a stock market crash.Wikipedia People Calling Out Sick After Thanksgiving The term gets its present day meaning from a labor market newsletter, which used it to describe the suspiciously high level of sickness the day after Thanksgiving.Pixabay Origin Of Black Friday Police in 1960s Philadelphia first popularized "Black Friday," saying it to express their frustration at the congestion shoppers caused that day.Flickr/Joiseyshowaa Black Friday Facts National Term It was only in the 1990s that "Black Friday" became a national term.Flickr/Sue Clark How Much Money is Spent On Thanksgiving Weekend In 2011, 226 million Americans purchased $52 billion worth of goods during the Thanksgiving weekend.Wikimedia Commons How Much Money Is Spent On Black Friday For comparison's sake, that's a little more than the GDP of Ethiopia.Wikimedia Commons/A. Davey Black Friday Facts Average Spending Copy In 2012, average consumer spending on Black Friday was $423 per person, a 13% increase from 2011.Wikimedia Commons/Ray Bouknight Cheating On Black Friday According to one survey, nearly one in ten Black Friday shoppers admit they'd break the speed limit or cut lines to get into a store earlier.Flickr/Nathan E. Photography Checkout In the same survey, 18 percent of those polled would not step away from a Black Friday sale no matter how long the line was.Flickr/Patrick Hoesly Black Friday Deals On average, the survey reported that Black Friday shoppers are willing to wait in a 2.5 hour line for a Black Friday deal.Flickr/Judit Klein Black Friday Facts About Sales Some Black Friday "deals" aren't actually deals: many Black Friday items are originally priced with the future discount built in.PhotoSpin

Next, see these bizarre Thanksgiving Day ads. Then check out these vintage photos of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

